Thursday, November 3, 2011

i'm not dead yet

We are at the halfway point in Peters treatment.  But it does not get easier, at a  benefit dinner for for seminarians we get the phone call that Pete has a 103.5 fever.  What to do, give him Tylenol hope the fever goes down and take him to the hospital in the morning or get to the ER around 10:30 p and get a room around 4 am. .  He should not be nutrapenic (no immune system) yet ,he finished the last round of Sunday and his numbers were really high on Weds. So he should not be in danger , we call the hospital to see what to do and they say come on in, we will check his blood and see where he is at and if it is ok he can go home. Of course his numbers have plummeted and at 4:30 am we are back on floor 8.  Blood cultures, nose cultures and a chest X ray later we do not have any idea what the problem is.  It points to something  respiratory so it's either contagious or not and till we find out Pete can't leave the room and everyone except family need to dress like spacemen to visit.

So this tale starts on Friday night and we are now at Sunday night (JETS jets jets jets). Still no real diagnosis, informally the Docs think it is walking pneumonia  and that is not contagious but till we know for sure we are still in isolation. There was another fever today so we are 48 hours from leaving as they take more blood cultures. We continue to hope there are no nasty infections lurking , Peter has more antibiotics surging thru his system that any bug that beats that will be one bad mo fo.

 Today at church (ST. Joes ) the pulpit announcement asks us to pray for the repose of the sole of
Peter Searsearch , wow thats a close name how weird is that.  Turns out not so weird one of our friends had a mass for Peters health and they killed him instead. After a couple of frantic calls from friends we returned him to the land of the living now we need to get him home.